Get in touch

Happy to hear from you

Global Dyad Meditation was founded by Simone Anliker in 2017. Since then the community is growing.

A international team of volunteer hosts is here for you to offer the daily Dyads on Zoom.

The Daily Dyads are offered for free. Every donation is gratefully accepted.

Contact us

If you want to get in touch with us, you can write us an email to [email protected].

We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Simone Anliker

Founder, Switzerland

Global Dyads (with the Intuitive Writing) are a doorway to your inner Heaven.

Elke Dobkowitz



Aurora Sparre



Susanne Roziadi



Sylvie Hörning


Having an empathic, silent listener offering a safe space for my inner exploration as well as being that listener for the other is a great gift of love.

Rosvita Kröll


I am not anymore jumping in to "help".

Joel Silberman



Allen Wagner


Former caterpillar (once bound to the ground), asked Alice “Who are you?”, now gets around, otherwise.

Melanie Gussmann


Cyndi Krupp


The Global Dyad Community is everything that is beautiful about family - a loving safe community where we discover just how awesome it is to just be ourselves.


Yvonne Unger


In Dyads we create a sacred space in which we are held and received. I cannot think of a better place for opening my heart to the truth of my being.

Bianca Kremer


The four great themes of life: being welcome, being held, having a place and being alive.

I can explore and nourish all of them in dyads and this leads me to a place that I didn't even know before and where I want to BE.

Gisela Steenbuck


I love to hold space for transformation, growth and flourishing.

Maria Robertson

Costa Rica

Un espacio sagrado y seguro que me permite abrir mi corazĂłn para expresar mis pensamientos, emociones y vulnerabilidad como parte del viaje de mi vida.

Dianne Scott
