Global Dyad

Messages from within

Where is the Divine?

Mar 28, 2021
by Ryan
He sat on the steps of the building waiting - ready for the divine and the not knowing. 
"Hello. Can you hear me. I'm ready,"
He looked around. Just a few kids crossing the street, clouds drifting across the sky and the sound of cars. 
"I'm ready,"
Nothing. Nothing happened. 
"What do you want me to know,"
He looked at the clouds. Was there a message in the sunlight on the clouds. No. What do you want me to know he thought. Do you want me to know anything. 
For a moment he wondered. Was that laughter. Was the divine laughing. No it was just the children playing on the other side of the street. What about the new.
He stood up and his feet connected to the Earth. There was a flow of energy through the body. But still no divine. 
Nothing except everything. Nothing special. No trumpets. No lightening. No Earth shattering insight. Just ordinary, everyday stuff. 
"Hi. I am removing the vines,"
Excuse me he said,"
"The vines. I am cleaning the vines. I am a gardener. I need to stand on the steps to reach them,"
As the gardener pulled down the vines they fell on the street in a crumpling heap.
The wind was blowing through the nearby alley with a rush. It did not seem to matter anymore. Whatever it was was not that important. 
He stood up and walked. The breath was present.