Global Dyad

Messages from within

What Now?

Nov 26, 2021

by MR

Relax and release all expectations

I am here even if you feel I am not

I am behind the scenery you see

I am the scenery you see am the I am

Trust, this will end, I am in control; a new beginning is in sight

Trust, my time is not you time

Although it seems slow to you or you feel anxious and you

are thinking  it is too late, it will never end, I am too old…

Those words only exist in your human existence

They are just words

I am timeless and ageless, I am eternal and I am in you

Just be.  Continue doing what you are doing

It is Ok if you can’t relax, it is OK nothing happens

 that is just a state of being

As everything else it will also pass

Just let all the feelings come in like children knocking at the door wanting to be embraced

Embrace those feelings, embrace that child within

Embrace loneliness, embrace sadness, embrace longing

Just be with them, don’t analyze, and just embrace yourself and your feelings

That is who you are at this moment and that is OK

That shall also pass

Like the waves in the sea, when you welcome them as a beautiful experience

embrace those waves, embrace those feelings

Embrace all of who you are.

I am The, I am. Thank you