Global Dyad

Messages from within

What does your highest intention want you to know?

Dec 04, 2021

by Joel Silberman

Dyad invitations are doorways.
They are fingers pointing at the moon.

See how your mind and body respond.
All responses are OK.
Allow them to be exactly as they are.
Let your curiosity grow.
Your awareness will deepen as the details emerge, shift, flow, change.

The invitations are but concepts, labels.
They work as a pebble tossed into a pond.
There is a sound, a wave, ripples of effects.
Is it what was expected?
It doesn't matter.
Expectations are their own stories.
Invitations are little stories, too, as are any reactions or coincidental changes in your mind, body, or way of perceiving the world of the real or the imagined.

Notice the focus on the self.
Notice also your desire that others experience the joy and richness of awareness, of living.
Expanding your mind beyond its own self-focus can change you.
Notice how it feels, what happens to your posture, your energy flow, gestures, thoughts, feelings, outlook.

There is peace even in the tensions, the things the mind might label as bad or unwanted.
They are an opportunity for love and connection.
Some part of you wants you to know something - to care for you or be cared for by you.
When others are experiencing these tensions or things they don't want, you can hold them in your awareness with care, compassion, and love - a bridge off the island of fixation on the self.

Make your life a metta if you can:
  May I be happy, healthy, peaceful, and at ease.
  May you be happy, healthy, peaceful, and at ease.
  May I accept, embrace, relax, and release.
  May you accept, embrace, relax, and release.
  May all beings accept, embrace, relax, and release.

May you connect with the universal love and joy that is always possible - and find peace and patience when you aren't "there" at any given moment.
Hope and love will always be there waiting for you.