Global Dyad

Messages from within

What does the DIVINE PRESENCE want me to know today?

Jan 21, 2021

Ode to Joy!

I woke up this morning with my mind set on freedom - it's true.

But freedom is from isolation today because of you.

If I could be the love that's shared ...

Very shaky and vulnerable to be open to another whan hardly open to myself.

Myself, a place I want to be, but not alone as you can see.

No, yet to be the one another wants to be - with.


This yearning and excitement is so compelling I don't need anything -

What is going on here? What is drawing so near -

I thought I was travelling further away from what I could touch and taste, yet then comes this with something else to say - stay.

Stay with Life's sweet desert having taken the meal to here -

Stay within Life's loving embrace - know, to be held as dear.


Why go away?

Don't fear what's not known, give up being alone -

Join in the jamboree, sweet longing has a way of belonging.


Give up knowing what to do,

give up being only you,

take on what Life offers and see,

see, see, who is who.

Global Dyad Meditation with Intuitive Writing by ABW