Global Dyad

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What does presence want me to know?

Jan 07, 2022

by Sylvie Hörning

Be yourself
Be kind to yourself
Give yourself time to be creative, to sleep,. To be sick, to go for walks in nature.
Give yourself permission to fail, to not be perfect.
Give yourself TIME
Sing, laugh, enjoy the present moment, NOW, NOW, NOW if it is painful, scary, uncomfortable, overwhelming, stay with it like you would with a puppy, or a baby.
Offer it Geborgenheit

It is a myth, that if you give this scary moment your attention it will grow endlessly and stay for ever
If you give pain, sorrow, your unconditional attention, your loving kindness, your presence without a single cell of your body wanting it to go away, to be any different than it is, THEN transformation/HEALING can happen.
Your presence is a present, a gift. Offer it freely. You might not get anything in return. In fact it is not about getting anything in return! That is called an exchange not a gift.
When you are about to offer your presence, chaeck with yourself FIRST if you really have the capacity. If you are open to let LOVE flow through you.
You are always at choice, you are always allowed to not offer your presence if you are in the process of caring for yourself.