Global Dyad

Messages from within

What does peace want me to know?

Oct 05, 2022

by Surati

All is well.

And if your thinking tells you otherwise… just ask, “Is it true?”
Or just simply shift the focus from what is seen to what/who is seeing…

All is well.

Divine order rules even in chaos.
Be a servant to peace.
Give anything that seems un-well into stillness and watch it dissolve.

All is well.

Be a servant to peace, to stillness.
Rest. Let action come from rest. From “all is well.”

Nurture this light and make it shine brighter… haha, as if that was up to “me”…
Just follow the breadcrumbs, the flow, and let the river take you to the ocean…
An ocean of stillness so deep, so endless…
an ocean of joy so bright and sparkling.

All is well.

Rest Here.
Isn’t it all just about getting out of the way?!

All is well.

Nothing to do.
Nothing to know.
Nothing to defend.
Nothing at all.

Thank you for being you - peace out.