Global Dyad

Messages from within

What does love want me to know...

May 06, 2023

by Anje

Relax, stop striving, working at it.
Just relax and Be.

Be with or in everything, every part of you that appears.
Instead of trying to change or improve those parts allow them to relax, relax into Love.
They don't need to work for you anymore and a big part of you knows this!

Just Be.
It is enough.
You are enough!

Say YES to life, you are that life so say YES to yourself, no matter what.
It is your resistance to life that keeps this going, not your resistance to Truth!

Remember, you give everything the meaning it has for you!
You don't have to perfect yourself for Truth, it is not even possible.

It will never be enough.
Let go!
I love you!