Global Dyad

Messages from within

What does DIVINE LOVE want me to know?

Jan 27, 2021

I am serene, confident, sure and steady.

I am gracious bounty flowing 

My heart is warm, it surprises you.

I am without mind, without worry. I am above those clouds 


I am  gracious and generous.

If you come to me, you will be my door into life, into the world 

I will come through  instantly and without hesitation. 

I ask nothing of you 

If you can be quiet you will know me 

I am here, always available. 

I am natural, settled, smiling.

Your body, your spine, is perfection,

it is the violin 

I love to play it and bring you up to me.  

I meet you as the energy rises in your form. 

I soften it and reflect heaven onto the still pool of your mind.

Global Dyad Meditation with Intuitive Writing by MK