Global Dyad

Messages from within

What does BEING want me to know ?

Jan 20, 2021
It's OK to just be. No need to always do, perform ...
It's OK and much welcome to just be.
Be with. Be with what is there in me, be with what is there around me.
Being is the beauty. Doing from Being will be beautiful as long as I give time to Being.
Being is the beginning and the end, the source and the goal.
Give time and tenderness to Being.
Give time to Being, so that the subject is honoured and develops freely, so that the subject is not objectified.
Give time to Being so that the subject discovers by it/him/herself who it/he/she is.
Give time and space to Being so that it/he/she blossoms.
Trust Being. Love Being.
No plan for Being, no project for Being, only that Being is, blooms, feels and discovers what it/he/she likes, wants, needs.
Thank you.
Global Dyad Meditation with Intuitive Writing by Muriel Donnet