Global Dyad

Messages from within

Without Fear

Mar 07, 2021

by ABW

The Invitations of the dyad were:
1. Who would you be without Fear?
2. Welcoming the Unknown into the not-knowing.

Fear does not exist; yet its reality, cannot be denied.
It is a tool for the construction of an illusory life experience. It develops awareness and opens the portal to self-realization.

The trajectory of the movement is:
First comes the illusion of separation;
Second, the fear of non-survival arises;
Third, doubt of the illusion appears; and, Fourth, the illusion is seen, and fear disappears.

The work of Fear is to develop awareness of the known, as knowing; that is, I am the knowing awareness of the known, in the illusion; and then, I am aware of the awareness I am. When Fear and the illusion have done their dance, I am capable of Being the knowing or aware, Not-Knowing, Welcoming the Unknown - that is, Self-aware, Self-realized Divinity - which is the purpose of the trajectory through the illusion of Life.

Thank you dear One for this gift, today.