Global Dyad

Messages from within

Stillness, what do you want me to know?

Apr 20, 2021
by Cassienne 
Breathe; you will find me in the breath.
I am always there within you.
Your breath touches me on every inhale and exhale.
From stillness you get your strength.
Your heart is so open right now -
leave it open, let it bleed and love and mourn and dance.
Let it sing, and leap with life.
It will be painful,
it will be joyous,
it will be shocking, and
it will be very very alive.
In stillness there can be a lot of movement.
In stillness there is always Love.
Love in all its beauty, purity, simplicity and fierceness.
In stillness there are whole worlds unfolding.
All you have to do is breathe.
Breath into everything, into All.
Let your breath carry you into the flow, into creation. 
From this place,
create Life,
create art,
let it happen,
let it naturally unfold.
Follow your impulses,
your ideas,
your inner knowing.
You don't need anything, or anybody.
You have it all inside, i
n the stillness.
The love,
the connection,
the clarity,
being in community -
all the things you long for:
it's there.
In the stillness. 
Thank you