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Resting In The Arms Of The Universe (Geborgenheit)

Nov 30, 2022

By Brai

The understanding that I am a child of God/Divine/Universe.

I don’t always know how life will work out, I won’t always know the “how’s.

Rest in the universe and truly allow myself to be cared for, and know that the best ways will be revealed.

Trust I am loved and cared for, and if I don’t know how a need or desire will be met, not to panic, get upset or go into angst or deprivation, and don’t turn against myself, this is the time to really rest in the care and love of the universe and my inner being.

Know the universe, my inner being, life wants to bless me and love me.

The Universe is love, and loves to love me.

I was not born to be deprived or hurt, I was born to be happy and to thrive, to be fulfilled, to enjoy life, to enjoy creating, to enjoy manifesting, to be blessed and to bless others.

Just as I enjoy blessing others, the universe, the Divine Universal power loves to bless me.

I just need to remember I am loved, I am divine, to rest and let go of resistance, turn towards the good and the light, to truly enjoy how loved and blessed I am.

I need to remember the truth of life, and remember the truth of me.

I need to remember the grace and love of life has for me.

To remember I am here to be light and easy about life, then I am happy and then life is easier and flows smoothly.

I can open to feeling and receiving if I don’t know how I will meet a need or desire, if the usual route isn’t working then open to a better route, the best route.