Global Dyad

Messages from within

A Message From The SOURCE of LIFE

Mar 01, 2021

by Ryan

Happiness is a simple thing.

Nothing makes it up.
Be present. 
Trust the goodness of your own nature. Less is often more. Like it or not life is impermanent. 
You can go down the river. 
All of these thoughts are sayings. 
Experience for yourself what it is to be human. Experience how to go beyond states of mind. Allow yourself to evolve.
Happiness is the insight that you are the universe, the earth, and the planet. 
Your well-being is interdependent with the whole. 
This way of being lets things change naturally. 
Today empty the mind and don't fix onto any position. Have the willingness. There is nothing to protect, nothing to defend against. 
You cannot imagine the concrete details.
The stillness will protect you. 
Is it possible to let there be ease, effortless ease. YES. So then know that you are blessed and protected, universal intelligence, one-ness, and freedom. 
You are light and love, the power of consciousness, the earth and planet, the creative force, the joy of life. 
How then can you be afraid. What is there to be afraid of. You cannot be hurt harmed or destroyed.
You are not doing anyone any favors by hiding from your light. 
Just remember that every moment is a wonder. 
Just do the simple things and that is enough.
Act but leave space for life to act also.